Monday, February 23, 2009

Brussels Sprouts - no, really!

No one in their right might likes Brussels sprouts, or so I thought... Mushy overcooked disgusting mini cabbages, haven't had one since I was a kid! Well, my 8 year old son saw Brussels sprouts at the store and really wanted me to buy some. Since it was his birthday and they were on sale, I indulged and bought 6. 6 whole sprouts! ha! Anyway, I searched for a way to cook 'em up, and this is what we came up with:

olive oil
Brussels sprouts
real salt

Wash sprouts, then cut in half lengthwise. Heat some butter & olive oil in non stick frying pan. Put sprouts cut-side down and let cook for about 4-5 minutes, or until cut side is browned. Don't stir them until that is accomplished. Then sprinkle with real salt and ground pepper while stirring to coat. Chopped or sliced almonds would be yummy to add too.

I usually only post recipes that everyone (or nearly everyone) likes. This recipe was one that both mom and dad liked, as well as 2 of 6 kids. Only 3 kids actually tried them, and of course the baby can't eat them yet. One child like them so much that they are now one of her new favorite veggies. I thought that 50% (higher if I don't count the baby) enjoying this was an impressive statistic for Brussels sprouts.


Cara said...

This is cute. My husband is one that thinks the only vegetable there is is corn. I still serve a variety for my children and I and he can choose to not eat them. Once I served Brussels Sprouts "knowing" very well he was not going to eat them. He did. And they are now one of his favorites! Although, none of our children like them.
I like to steam mine and toss them in a little bit of honey and a Dijon type mustard.


Mom of 7 said...

That sounds good too! I'll have to try it sometime. I'm going to plant some brussel sprouts in my fall garden this year just for kicks.