Sunday, May 24, 2009

Eczema helps

There really isn't a medical consensus as to why people get eczema. It could be because of weather changes, too much exposure to allergens or chemicals, reactions to foods or who knows what. I've even heard it's a genetic disease, which I suppose makes sense that there are those who are more likely to get eczema than others. Certainly is the case in my family. My middle son just broke out in a rampant case of it, and I wish we'd been home instead of camping so I could've treated it better!

Here is what we do:

*Omega 3 supplements. Our favorite is probably Children's DHA from Nordic Naturals, but you can also get it from ground flaxseed or flaxseed oil (easy to add to a fruit smoothie.) My daughter is prone to eczema in the winter time, but if I make sure she gets her omega 3, she doesn't get it. Since it's summer time I've been forgetting this important supplement, but I'll be sure to get back on it now!

To soothe the rash:

*Witch Hazel - can feel soothing and help with the itching. You can buy plain witch hazel at the drug store or health food store. Often found in hemmorrhoidal preparations too, but along with other stuff.

*Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil - keep the affected area moist to help with the itchiness. Applying coconut oil helps heal, keep it moist, and reduce inflammation. I sometimes mix the coconut oil with a base like 100% cocoa or shea butter to make it spread more easily. Cover with a soft flannel cloth or gauze so it doesn't get everywhere. Apply several times a day.

*Diaper Rash Ointment - can help sooth the rash in a pinch. Use a natural type like Burt's Bees if possible.

*Wear Cotton Clothing - other types of clothing can irriate the rash.

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