Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Spicy Pumpkin Seeds

Addicting, watch out! My teenage son said pumpkin seeds are good for acne since they're high in zinc. 

2 c. raw hulled pumpkin seeds 
1 TBS sea salt 
1/2 TBS garlic powder 
1/2 tsp chipotle chile pepper (or other chili pepper/cayenne) 

 In a quart jar, mix salt, garlic powder & chili pepper in water and stir to dissolve. Add pumpkin seeds, then add more water so you've got a couple of inches of water above the pumpkin seeds. Put the lid on the jar and shake to distribute spices.

Soak overnight, or up to 24 hours.

 Spread in dehydrator on teflex tray and dehydrate at 105-110 degrees until crunchy (about 12 hours). Or spread on cookie sheet and place in warm oven (150 degrees), which will kill some of the enzymes but go faster (about 6 hours.)

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